Review by: Ryan S.

Released: Sub Pop, 2015

Grade: C

Recommended tracks: 1,2,7

FCC unsafe: n/a


Metz is a noise rock/hardcore punk band from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, who have been active since 2007. This album, on the surface, feels like a glow up from the first one, with the songs feeling more fleshed out and adventurous. Unfortunately, the album is still lacking variety in composition, and leans way too hard on repetitive groove in order to pass the time. This album is perfect for when you want to stand outside your ex’s house and blast noise punk through a boombox, to remind them why they were correct to dump you in the first place.

Fun fact: Metz is the Middle High German word for “knife”.

RIYL:  The Jesus Lizard, McClusky, Gilla Band.


1.    Great opener, heavy noise punk music.

2.    The lo-fi drum parts of this song are fantastic, the rest is passable.

3.    Noise/Punk filler.

4.    Noise/Punk filler.

5.    Noise/Punk filler.

6.    Noise/Punk filler.

7.    The bridge part, where it’s just drums and guitar, is the best part of the album.

8.    Noise/Punk filler.

9.    Noise/Punk filler.

10.  Noise/Punk filler.